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  • Introducing Magic ID - Digital Identity Control with Magic Connect

Introducing Magic ID - Digital Identity Control with Magic Connect

New Features
09 Oct 2024
Introducing Magic ID - Digital Identity Control with Magic Connect

At Magic Square, accomplishing digital security in the crypto-space is at the forefront of our vision. We recognize that user privacy is integral and our latest product, Magic ID offers an innovative solution. We aim to help users reclaim ownership of their data and control their identities over centralized networks.  Magic ID has the power to facilitate digital identity management and enhance user control using one convenient platform. Magic ID works by integrating SSI technologies to achieve the best data protection and privacy control with one simple click.

Magic Connect adopts the following properties and raises the standard of user experience by:

  • Improving the centralization of control over data information.
  • Enhancing the privacy and security of digital identity.
  • Managing and controlling data conveniently.
  • Integrating the latest technologies to evolve the digital experience.
  • Discovering, managing, and accessing every crypto-app on the market.

Simple Control with Magic ID:

Magic ID is a unique tool that enhances, manages and controls their data on one single crypto-application. Magic Connect offers users a simple and effective platform to store and access personal data. The process of authentication is simplified. Users can verify their own identity using unique credentials and have the right to access apps with user anonymity. Magic ID utilizes a blockchain identity management system to reduce accessibility and data security issues inherent in centralized networks. 

The Transformation of Digital Identity Security

Magic Square has established the most private and secure network from emerging and innovative technologies. Magic ID integrates decentralized identifiers that transform the regular procedure of storing data. DIDs work by providing a public key for users' digital identity, and a private key enables users to sign any identification document.

Integrating Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) into our applications is transformative for our users' security. The authentication process works by storing and issuing unique and verifiable credentials using private peer-to-peer connections. SSI works across all of our applications and enables convenient management of personal information using blockchain technology. 

Magic ID grants crypto-users complete data control and ownership.  Users will now know who they are connecting with and who has access to their information while maintaining complete anonymity. Access control is no longer reliant on sharing private information with the verifier and can be proved by simply checking a public DID that remains confidential.

introducing magic square

Key Unique Value Propositions & Benefits

Magic ID recognizes the importance of data integrity to ensure users are protected and secure. Our product provides an essential utility that transforms the way users store and manage their data. We provide unique solutions to empower our users and improve their digital experience. Magic ID accomplishes this by:

  • Protecting Digital Identities: We empower our users by establishing a self-sovereign digital identity system. Magic ID uses SSI technology to secure personal data using an authenticated and encrypted process. This enables users to manage access control and revoke or grant app permissions. It also prevents other entities such as intermediaries from exploiting or monetizing unauthorized data.
  • Promoting Decentralized Technologies: We aim to develop the crypto landscape and inspire a decentralized approach to online networking. Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure DPKI is utilized to create a tamper-proof and secure platform by returning the control of online identities to the digital owner. Magic ID is, therefore, irrefutably safer than digital identities stored on centralized servers.
  • Developing Verifiable and Intuitive Methods: SSI login methods are reputable and intuitive. DIDs use verifiable credentials stored using private encryption to solve privacy issues and maintain data integrity. Our verifiable methods help empower our users to connect, revoke and track all crypto-application permissions in one place.
  • Using Convenient and Simple Infrastructure: Magic ID offers an easy-to-use platform to access, discover and manage crypto-apps such as Defi, NFTs, and GameFi using one simple click. The SSI grants a simple 'one-click' login system to enable access to all apps, products, and services.

Vision & Guiding Principles

At Magic Square, we develop holistic and user-friendly interfaces that are functional and innovative for both users and developers. Crypto-applications are emerging and our vision is to 'develop the infrastructure that powers the growth and success of the crypto-app ecosystem'. To achieve our aims we are led by these guiding principles:

  • Self-Sovereign Principles: Self-Sovereign Identity technologies aim to preserve a transparent and secure digital identity for users. SSI is an effective and vital principle that will establish a more trustworthy and private crypto-network.
  • Privacy-Driven Future: We recognize that with the emergence of this industry and the development of technology, conversely, this creates more challenges that can threaten privacy and security. Private-by-default is the only solution to ensure transactions are confidential. Decentralized networks are therefore the best alternative to help users achieve complete transparency and accuracy in the crypto-space.
  • Blockchain Ecosystems and Collaboration: We aim to build an open and simple ecosystem by developing more user-friendly products and services. This means creatively collaborating and inspiring our digital community to help reshape crypto-application technologies for our users, developers, and validators.
  • Focused Utility of Users: We aim to reconstruct the disproportionate aspects of the crypto industry such as the focus on token and protocol discovery and less on client-facing products. Our Magic Store integrates a 'Use to Earn' model that focuses on the utility of users and developing holistic products that meet various needs.
  • Interoperability: We aim to promote digital users' scalability, flexibility, and efficiency when accessing multiple crypto-apps. We aim to create a synchronized and dependable system that facilitates the exchange and transfer of data using cross-chain bridges, iDeFi services, and SSI technologies to enhance digital freedom in the crypto-currency market.