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Social Media
Web2-friendly token-gating for communities
  • User Score 4.71
  • Validation Score 4.2
  • Trust ScoreHigh
  • General No. 1041
  • Social MediaNo. 48
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About Belong

Belong is the most Web2-friendly token-gating solution for communities, events, and content feeds. From NFT tickets without a crypto wallet with Apple Pay and Google pay, to token gated chat rooms set up in seconds, to opening Apple Home-enabled doors with NFTs, our goal is to replace all access keys in the world with non-fungible tokens.

Belong is a community-focused digital platform aimed at fostering meaningful connections and creating inclusive spaces where people can truly feel like they belong. In an age where online interactions can often feel superficial, Belong seeks to offer a refreshing alternative by emphasizing authentic relationships and purposeful communities. The platform encourages users to engage with others who share similar interests, values, or goals while ensuring a respectful and safe environment.

Belong caters to both individuals seeking connection and organizations looking to build engaged communities. Whether you’re interested in a particular hobby, cause, or professional development, Belong provides tools and features that help users connect on a deeper level. The platform’s mission is to create a network of safe, well-moderated communities where everyone can feel welcomed and valued.

By focusing on inclusivity, respect, and safety, Belong differentiates itself from traditional social media platforms where interactions can be impersonal or even hostile. Instead, Belong offers a space designed for meaningful participation, trust-building, and collective growth. The platform’s design ensures that communities are not only engaging but also supportive and enriching for their members.

Belong Magic Store Validation Score

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Belong Review Score by Real Users

4.71Out of 534 Total
  • 28
  • 4
  • 1
  • 0
  • 1
34 Total
15 Jul 2024

Good website, profesional team i can't wait anymore you wont miss it thanks me later ;);););););););)Read More ››

Lucky2136 avatarLucky2136170.00
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15 Jul 2024

I was watching videos while taking a shower. I was touching the shower gel when I saw this. Do you know how difficult it is to like with your chin?Read More ››

laincev avatarlaincev220.00
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Best one till now
30 Jun 2024

Love the website, everything is smooth and user friendly gonna use it more often. Experience was classyRead More ››

InfinityGlock avatarInfinityGlock120.00
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26 Jun 2024

This project is awesome and eventful. Being a member of many communities, this project caught my attention. It is amazing and very good. A regular and wonderful team. A good platform. I recommend it.Read More ››

Bob Nath avatarBob Nath120.00
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nice project
23 Jun 2024

Belong definitely is a nice project, it provides access to events, conferences and content utilizing token-gating, introduces a solution that leverages the power of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) to reimagine access to a wide array of experiences.Read More ››

kenshilo1026 avatarkenshilo1026180.00
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21 Jun 2024

This is an awesome app and I love the functionality so much, and the team behind it it awesome and very diligent. Read More ››

Hayomide avatarHayomide180.00
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20 Jun 2024

As a member of many communities, this project caught my attention. It is amazing and very good. A regular and wonderful team. A good platform. I recommend it.Read More ››

Tomcruide avatarTomcruide120.00
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20 Jun 2024

Belong offers a pioneering token-gating solution tailored for Web2, seamlessly integrating NFT technology across communities, events, and content feeds. Their innovative approach allows for NFT ticketing via Apple Pay and Google Pay, eliminating the need for a crypto wallet. Setting up token-gated chat rooms is quick and straightforward, promising instant accessibility. Moreover, Belong extends its reach to Apple Home-enabled door access using NFTs, envisioning a future where traditional access keys are replaced by digital tokens.Read More ››

wushidadi avatarwushidadi120.00
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Belong Magic Store Trust Score

  • Security Validators Score
    • 09.04.2024Validation Date

Belong User Trust Reviews

14 Sep 2024

The concept behind Belongnet is fantastic. The execution is still a bit rough around the edges, but it’s a promising start.Read More ››

Arnold solano avatarArnold solano120.00
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Still a work in progress but good startHigh
14 Sep 2024

Belongnet is an exciting new player in the decentralized space. The app has potential, but it’s still a work in progress.Read More ››

Jeff solano avatarJeff solano120.00
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Very valuableHigh
14 Sep 2024

BelongNet is a valuable resource for professional networking, but there are some areas where it could use improvement.Read More ››

Ken soriano avatarKen soriano120.00
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It has potential not gonna lieHigh
14 Sep 2024

I’ve had a positive experience with BelongNet so far. The platform offers a lot of potential for building professional relationships.Read More ››

Julio chan avatarJulio chan120.00
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14 Sep 2024

BelongNet’s networking opportunities are fantastic, but the user interface could be more streamlined.Read More ››

Tyler wong avatarTyler wong120.00
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Belong FAQ

Unlike typical social media platforms that often prioritize content over community, Belong is built entirely around fostering genuine connections and meaningful relationships. Our platform focuses on creating safe and inclusive spaces where users can join communities based on shared interests, values, and causes. We prioritize user well-being, safety, and long-term engagement instead of fleeting interactions or popularity contests.

One of the core features of Belong is its flexibility in allowing users to be part of multiple communities that align with their diverse interests. Each community is treated as its own unique space, and you can manage your involvement through customized notification settings, activity feeds, and profile preferences. This ensures you stay connected without feeling overwhelmed.

Safety is a top priority at Belong. We employ a multi-layered approach that includes strong moderation tools, clear community guidelines, and features like automated content monitoring. In addition, we empower community leaders with tools to manage behavior, enforce rules, and foster positive interactions. Our goal is to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.

Creating your own community on Belong is easy and highly customizable! You can tailor your space with unique branding, define member roles and permissions, set up custom channels for different topics, and even schedule events and polls to keep your members engaged. Whether you’re running a casual hobby group or a professional network, you’ll have all the tools you need to build something special.

Every day on Belong is unique because it revolves around the communities you care most about. You might start your day by checking in on the latest discussions in your groups, participating in a live event or meetup, and sharing your thoughts on a poll or forum topic. The beauty of Belong is that you’re never just scrolling mindlessly – you’re engaging with content and people that matter to you, making each interaction meaningful.

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