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Social Media
A decentralized SocialFi platform
  • User Score 4.41
  • Validation Score 4.8
  • Trust ScoreHigh
  • General No. 254
  • NFT
Boom Review
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About Boom

You can do the following things on Boom: - Express opinions in both open and private spaces - Collaborate with a group of similar-minded individuals to innovate and bring new ideas to life - Create your channel and become a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) - Stay tuned to Whale’s updates in the crypto world - Connect your wallet and display your assets

Boom Review Score by Real Users

4.41Out of 563 Total
  • 33
  • 24
  • 5
  • 1
  • 0
63 Total
Boom is not a "bomb" at all
16 Sep 2023

Going to the Boom's site and seeing the inscription "Decentralized metaverse socializing platform" you expect to see something surprising, but you get a rather primitive social network. We have a profile, a wallet checker/portfolio (which can't even show assets on all networks at once), a Feed and channels that can be created and joined, and which can be made paid or free. Okay, the last function will probably attract some Administrators of “private channels” from Telegram, who personally collect subscription fees from their subscribers every month, spending time checking payments/keeping statistics, who paid and who didn’t, and similar things. And this is provided that Boom does not charge any fees and allows you to publish content of any kind. Otherwise this is a frankly bad platform, even from a UI point of view (do you seriously think removing the scrollbar in Feed is a good idea? Or make it possible to sort paid channels in descending order of price, but not make it possible to sort them in reverse?) I don’t see any motivation either for influencers to be on it or for readers/users. +1 star simply because, in principle, competition is good. I have absolutely no idea how they will compete with this product against other SoсFi, but good luck to the Team. I'll be only glad if they can come up with something cool in the future, but for now this is what it is.Read More ››

Frigg avatarFrigg83470.40
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15 Sep 2023

Boom is a decentralized SocialFi platform. I follow this platform from time to time to get news about cryptocurrencies. It is a nice platform that is easy to use, but its only drawback is that there are not enough users. I hope it will achieve the popularity it deserves with better advertising and guidance in the future.Read More ››

Oguzhan avatarOguzhan25485.40
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25 Apr 2023

Вы можете делать следующие вещи на Boom: - Выражать мнения как в открытом, так и в частном пространстве - Сотрудничать с группой единомышленников, чтобы внедрять инновации и воплощать в жизнь новые идеи - Создать свой канал и стать KOL (Key Opinion Leader) - Следите за обновлениями Whale в криптомире — подключите свой кошелек и покажите свои активыRead More ››

sashashoiko avatarsashashoiko23488.55
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well done!
12 Dec 2022

Puede hacer lo siguiente en Boom: - Expresar opiniones tanto en espacios abiertos como privados - Colaborar con un grupo de personas de ideas afines para innovar y dar vida a nuevas ideas - Crear su canal y convertirse en un KOL (líder de opinión clave) - Estén atentos a las actualizaciones de Whale en el mundo criptográfico: conecte su billetera y muestre sus activosRead More ››

georgie avatargeorgie17805.55
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I admire the courage of the team
07 Dec 2022

Decentralizing the social circuit, even though this product is full of ideas, is still too difficult! The competition is strong, and the cost of migrating users is high. This makes sustainable development very difficult. Wish you successRead More ››

sususu avatarsususu102.60
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the Boom
06 Dec 2022

Boom қолданбасында келесі әрекеттерді орындауға болады: - Ашық және жеке кеңістікте пікір білдіру - Жаңашылдық енгізу және жаңа идеяларды жүзеге асыру үшін ұқсас адамдар тобымен бірлесіп жұмыс жасаңыз - Арнаңызды жасаңыз және KOL (Негізгі пікір көшбасшысы) болыңыз - Криптовалюта әлеміндегі Whale жаңартуларынан хабардар болыңыз - Әмияныңызды қосыңыз және активтеріңізді көрсетіңізRead More ››

scrim avatarscrim14496.65
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I like boom
02 Dec 2022

I like boom social media, it is inovative, You can do the following things on Boom: - Express opinions in both open and private spaces - Collaborate with a group of similar-minded individuals to innovate and bring new ideas to life - Create your channel and become a KOL (Key Opinion Leader)Read More ››

jeckpakem014 avatarjeckpakem014100.20
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nice work
24 Nov 2022

get whale update and Collaborate with a group of similar-minded individuals to innovate and bring new ideas to life - Create your channel and become a KOL (Key Opinion Leader)Read More ››

sangwan avatarsangwan63.50
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Boom Magic Store Trust Score

  • Security Validators Score
    • 22.08.2022Validation Date

Boom User Trust Reviews

I like boomHigh
02 Dec 2022

I like boom social media, it is inovative, You can do the following things on Boom: - Express opinions in both open and private spaces - Collaborate with a group of similar-minded individuals to innovate and bring new ideas to life - Create your channel and become a KOL (Key Opinion Leader)Read More ››

jeckpakem014 avatarjeckpakem014100.20
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07 Oct 2022

Cela ne semble rien de spécial, mais vous pouvez l'utiliser, car Boom est une plate-forme SocialFi décentralisée. Alors voyonsRead More ››

web3enjoyer avatarweb3enjoyer20346.15
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