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Pioneering the NFT Revolution.
  • User Score 4.74
  • Validation Score 4.6
  • Trust ScoreHigh
  • General No. 303
  • NFTNo. 25
Micro3 Review
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About Micro3

Micro3 is the fusion of advanced technology LayerZero and Chainlink. Micro3 acts as a connecting hub for people through NFTs.

Launched in December 2023, Micro3 addresses key issues within the current Web3 ecosystem, such as the high costs associated with minting NFTs and the lack of interoperability across different blockchains. By integrating advanced technologies like LayerZero and Chainlink, Micro3 offers a unique, decentralized solution that enhances both marketing exposure and user engagement.

The platform's primary mission is to foster an open and collaborative environment that allows projects to flourish. This is achieved through a combination of curated social and on-chain quests, NFT infrastructure services, and revenue-sharing models. Micro3 stands out by providing a seamless experience for users to mint and manage NFTs, thereby lowering the entry barriers and making the NFT space more accessible to a wider audience.

Micro3 Magic Store Validation Score

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Micro3 Review Score by Real Users

4.74Out of 535 Total
  • 28
  • 6
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0
35 Total
17 Feb 2024

Micro3 гарна платформа, з багатьма наявними нфт, як платними так i безплатними. Також э поiнти за вхiд кожного дня, також зараз проходить iвент з нфт в честь Китайского нового року.Read More ››

ukotka avatarukotka42536.25
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A friendly team of like-minded people!
14 Feb 2024

A friendly team of like-minded people! Always help, advice, support. You feel like part of the family.Read More ››

Matthew avatarMatthew21287.50
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Great project
28 Jan 2024

Good project, linking web3 nfts together. Sign in daily for points which may be converted to crypto in the future. Website is also professionally created Read More ››

Eugene avatarEugene7696.25
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12 Jan 2024

Micro3 прагне розвивати платформу SocialFi, використовуючи перевірені цифрові дані для вдосконалення продуктів і спільнот розробників і проектів Web3. Цей спільний підхід створює більш привабливу та інтерактивну децентралізовану екосистему. Інвестиційний фонд Micro Financial відкриває двері як для малих, так і для великих інвесторів, дозволяючи інвестувати навіть 1 долар США. Прибутки діляться від перспективних проектів, демократизації інвестиційного ландшафту та сприяння інклюзивності. користувачі можуть зануритися у світ різноманітних міні-ігор, поєднуючи розваги з прибутком. Це унікальний ігровий досвід, який ще більше збагачує екосистему Micro3. Micro3 вирішує проблему відсутності всеохоплюючої платформи, надаючи єдиний простір, який об’єднує всі відмінні функції, встановлюючи новий стандарт у сфері блокчейну.Read More ››

Spec_GO avatarSpec_GO15259.35
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Achei o projeto bom, mas...
10 Jan 2024

Participei das campanhas de fim de ano, mintei os passes. Mas precise de ajuda e o suporte do discord é pessimo! abrium ticket eles fecharam sem atendimento. Reclamei no chat gerneral e o mod pediru que eu abrisse outro ticket, que permanece sem resposta...Read More ››

fabinho avatarfabinho16486.25
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good project
09 Jan 2024

I really applicate this project. nice concept looking nice website site page. very easy all user for use this siteRead More ››

Faruk avatarFaruk15701.25
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Good project
09 Jan 2024

Good project, One unique thing I love about this project is the ease and affordability that comes with paying gas fees and signing transactions. Real and bette r dupe for metamask for real. Absolutely love itRead More ››

Anh Luu avatarAnh Luu16530.00
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Love Project
09 Jan 2024

I really enjoybeing a part of this project. Amazing in every ramification. Looking forward to the future with thisRead More ››

babygirlbee avatarbabygirlbee950.00
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Micro3 Magic Store Trust Score

  • Security Validators Score
    • 04.01.2024Validation Date

Micro3 User Trust Reviews

10 Jan 2024

very good project i am so impressed and happy to join this project and i hope it has a good and wonderful futureRead More ››

Chibuike avatarChibuike27103.75
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09 Jan 2024

Micro3 is committed to nurturing a SocialFi platform, leveraging verified digital data to enhance the products and communities of developers and Web3 projects. This collaborative approach brings about a more engaging and interactive decentralized ecosystem. Micro Financial investment fund opens doors for both small and large-scale investors, enabling even a $1 investment. Profits are shared from promising projects, democratizing the investment landscape and promoting inclusivity. users can immerse themselves in a world of various mini-games, merging entertainment with profitability. It’s a unique gaming experience, further enriching the Micro3 ecosystem. Micro3 addresses the absence of an all-encompassing platform by providing a unified space that integrates all distinctive features, setting a new standard in the blockchain realm.Read More ››

Spec_GO avatarSpec_GO15259.35
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09 Jan 2024

Nice game................................................... Gggggggggggggggggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Jimmy avatarJimmy1098.75
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08 Jan 2024

Very nice tore all are coming and shop now to earn support this project good but you can research then join this project Read More ››

Rabu avatarRabu2255.00
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04 Jan 2024

Blockchain Game, in which users participate in motorcycle races, develop their riders and improve high-speed tracks.Read More ››

salahattin avatarsalahattin4937.50
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Micro3 FAQ

Micro3 is a SocialFi Mint-to-Earn platform that integrates decentralized technologies to support Web3 projects and individual creators, offering solutions like NFT infrastructure services, revenue sharing, and cross-chain interoperability.

Micro3 simplifies the NFT creation process through its NFT Infrastructure As A Service (NIASS), which allows users to deploy, mint, and distribute NFTs easily.

Micro3 leverages advanced technologies like LayerZero and Chainlink to ensure secure, decentralized operations and enhance the reliability and scalability of the platform.

Curated social and on-chain quests in Micro3 are designed to enhance marketing exposure and engagement for projects, helping them reach a broader audience.

Yes, Micro3 offers a revenue-sharing model through NFTs, allowing users to earn from the NFTs they create and deploy.

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