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Scrub Money

Yield Farming
DeFi Cross-Chain Ecosystem
  • User Score 3.05
  • Validation Score 3.7
  • Trust ScoreHigh
  • General No. 313
  • DeFiNo. 96
Scrub Money
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About Scrub Money

Scrub Money is a decentralized cross-chain ecosystem driven by the vision to seamlessly unite commerce, trading, betting and gaming. Along with 3 unique NFT Collections and a NFT marketplace, the protocol empowers users by allowing them to purchase goods and services in real life using their funds on chain.

Scrub Money is a decentralized cross-chain ecosystem designed to integrate commerce, trading, betting, and gaming on the blockchain. Initially launched as a Tomb fork on the Cronos blockchain, the project has rapidly evolved to offer a comprehensive decentralized finance (DeFi) platform. The core mission of Scrub Money is to empower users to conduct decentralized transactions, engage in betting, and participate in e-commerce activities within a secure, trustless environment powered by blockchain technology. By leveraging the strengths of multiple blockchains, Scrub Money aims to provide a seamless and interoperable ecosystem that meets the diverse needs of its users.

Since its launch, Scrub Money has expanded beyond its initial scope, adding a range of dApps (decentralized applications) that enhance its utility. These include yield optimization through Scrub Invest, a decentralized betting platform named Kava FC, and an innovative online marketplace that allows users to purchase real-world goods using their on-chain funds. The platform’s ongoing development and adaptability make it a significant player in the evolving DeFi landscape.

Scrub Money Magic Store Validation Score

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Validation Score


Scrub Money Review Score by Real Users

3.05Out of 522 Total
  • 6
  • 5
  • 1
  • 4
  • 6
22 Total
Very good
12 Jan 2024

Scrub Money is a decentralized cross-chain ecosystem driven by the vision to seamlessly unite commerce, trading, betting and gaming. Along with 3 unique NFT Collections and a NFT marketplace, the protocol empowers users by allowing them to purchase goods and services in real life using their funds on chain.Read More ››

Spec_GO avatarSpec_GO15259.35
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Scrub Money
05 Jan 2024

Scrub Money's decentralized cross-chain ecosystem excels in combining commerce, gaming, and NFTs, offering practical utility and a vibrant community, yet transparency in the development roadmap could bolster long-term confidence.Read More ››

Damnational avatarDamnational204398.70
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scrub money
31 Dec 2023

I didn't like the name of the project. This is reason enough for me not to use a project. Scrub money ?Read More ››

11213 avatar112136618.70
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scrub money
22 Dec 2023

Decentralized exchange for lending and money services but the thing which i noticed is that, there is no information available about the team member and i didn't find and security audits, so obviously i will not risk my money lending at such project even if they are paying a 23% returns on USDT.Read More ››

Gabrujaat avatarGabrujaat122365.40
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nice app
03 Dec 2023

application easy to use, easy to understand for beginners in web3.0, layout rather well done.. a. to tryRead More ››

mickinsey avatarmickinsey101480.20
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Review Scrub Money
26 Nov 2023

It stands out as a promising decentralized cross-chain ecosystem, seamlessly combining commerce, transactions, betting and gaming. The inclusion of three distinct NFT collections and a dedicated marketplace adds a unique touch, fostering a vibrant community. I appreciate the protocol's user-centric approach, allowing real-world purchases with on-chain funds, providing practical utility. The vision of bringing together various facets of digital interaction aligns with the dynamic nature of the crypto space, making it an attractive platform. However, transparency in the project's development roadmap could improve users' confidence in Scrub Money's long-term potential.Read More ››

Carlos Manuel Cabrera avatarCarlos Manuel Cabrera25433.75
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25 Nov 2023

Bad, cheap, non-intuitive interface, with poor quality of pictures and their non-loading, with the inability to even see what NFTs look like without connecting a wallet. A small number of networks, an absolute lack of understanding of the purpose of this project, and the description does not correspond to what is in the application. Where is the trading, where are the games? Read More ››

heartbeating avatarheartbeating128845.48
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0 people found this review funny
22 Nov 2023

Although you can find gaming,betting and trading at one platform but the interface and design is horrible,it made me suspicious.Magic square should not allow such projects for voting and review.not recommended for useRead More ››

alal avataralal116637.60
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Scrub Money Magic Store Trust Score

  • Security Validators Score
    • 26.09.2023Validation Date

Scrub Money User Trust Reviews

12 Jan 2024

Crub Money — це захоплююча децентралізована міжланцюгова екосистема з баченням плавної інтеграції багатьох сфер, включаючи комерцію, трейдинг, азартні ігри та азартні ігри, щоб надати користувачам багатий і яскравий досвід. По-перше, що робить Scrub Money унікальним, так це його універсальність. Це більше, ніж просто ринок NFT, він надає користувачам 3 унікальні серії NFT, які створюють абсолютно нові можливості для художників і колекціонерів. Крім того, це дозволяє користувачам використовувати кошти в ланцюжку для покупки товарів і послуг у реальному житті, що забезпечує надійну підтримку практичного застосування технології блокчейн. По-друге, Scrub Money веде розвиток міжланцюжкової екосистеми. Він об’єднує кілька полів, щоб надати користувачам неперевершену різноманітність. Ця інтеграція допомагає створювати нові бізнес-моделі та можливості, а також сприяє розвитку технології блокчейн. Найголовніше, що Scrub Money заохочує інновації та креативність. Він надає платформу для митців, творців і підприємців, щоб продемонструвати свої таланти та надихнути їх на творчість та інновації. Це заохочення сприяє процвітанню та прогресу суспільства. Загалом, Scrub Money — це динамічний проект, який приносить унікальну цінність криптовалютній спільноті завдяки універсальності, міжланцюговій екосистемі та заохоченню до інновацій. Його бачення та різноманітність виділяють його в просторі блокчейну, надаючи безпрецедентні можливості для користувачів і творців. Цей проект заслуговує похвали та підтримки, і ми з нетерпінням чекаємо його подальшого розвитку.Read More ››

Spec_GO avatarSpec_GO15259.35
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Scrub Money FAQ

The LION, TIGER, and BEAR tokens are native assets within the Scrub Money ecosystem, each representing a different facet of the platform's offerings. LION is primarily used in Scrub Invest for yield optimization, while TIGER and BEAR serve as complementary tokens in NFT collections and other dApps. These tokens provide users with various rewards and benefits across the platform.

The online store of Scrub Money is a unique feature that bridges the gap between decentralized finance and real-world commerce. Users can use their on-chain funds, including LION and KAVA tokens, to purchase tangible goods, thereby extending the utility of their digital assets beyond traditional DeFi applications.

Kava FC is a decentralized betting platform that is part of the Scrub Money ecosystem. It allows users to bet on sports events using the platform's native tokens, particularly LION. The platform integrates smart contracts to ensure transparency and fairness, providing a trustless environment for sports betting.

Scrub Invest differentiates itself by offering cross-chain yield optimization strategies. Users can stake and farm tokens across various DeFi protocols such as Equilibre Finance and Mare Finance. This cross-chain capability, combined with its integration into the broader Scrub Money ecosystem, sets it apart from other yield optimizers.

The migration to the Kava blockchain was driven by the need for better scalability, speed, and interoperability. For Scrub Money users, this means faster transactions, lower fees, and access to a broader range of DeFi services across multiple blockchains, enhancing the overall user experience.

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