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The Legend Of Furiax

The first comic in web3 with a matching game
  • User Score 4.64
  • Validation Score 4.9
  • Trust ScoreHigh
  • General No. 715
  • GamesNo. 177
The Legend Of Furiax
The Legend Of Furiax Review
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About The Legend Of Furiax

Zoppel Universe the first ever comic in blockchain with a matching game Vision - Quality, fun, accessibility and a new idea of user experience for a game that can challenge both the traditional mobile game market and the existing p2e one. Mission - A new type of nft, for a new gaming model that can last over time without evaporating into thin air. A safe way to guide new users in the Gamefi world.

Zoppel Universe is a digital metaverse that combines elements of gaming, social interaction, and virtual reality. It offers users a unique and immersive experience, where they can explore vast digital landscapes, engage in various activities, and connect with others. By blending gaming and social platforms, Zoppel Universe aims to create a vibrant online community where users can experience an enriched digital life.

The Legend Of Furiax Magic Store Validation Score

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38636 Votes

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The Legend Of Furiax Review Score by Real Gamers

4.64Out of 558 Total
  • 41
  • 13
  • 4
  • 0
  • 0
58 Total
New game
09 Dec 2023

I've never played a comic-style game before. Zoppel Universe is very interesting. The painting style in the game is attractive to me. I really like it. It is as good as many traditional games.Read More ››

tb9124 avatartb9124396555.60
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The Legend Of Furiax
30 Oct 2023

The game is truly amazing. However, some parts were enough to frustrate me and turn it off completely. The menu bar hardly works and it doesn't seem like there is much outside of the story, so simplifying it would be wise to navigate easier. I get that the first two sections are just to ease you into the main routes, but the cuts in between the chapters are unnecessary when its only a couple of bits of dialogue. There werent any action choices, and no skin color options. Thank you for your work!Read More ››

Willy Kim avatarWilly Kim21480.00
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The Legend Of Furiax
17 Oct 2023

This is superior than the Galaxian Arcade game from the 1980s. The visuals are better, the maneuvering of the alien ships and mother ships is more difficult, and the weapons is more sophisticated. They are, nevertheless, nonetheless defeatable. And destroying some of the mother ships is quite difficult. A highly enjoyable game to attempt and master.Read More ››

blafea avatarblafea96856.25
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The Legend Of Furiax
17 Oct 2023

Excellent visuals and audio effects. To make it more unexpected, switch either the large monster or opponent weaponry. There are several difficulty levels to pick from. As a result, if I need a change in stimulus, I am neither bored or frustrated. It's entertaining. I play for lengthy amounts of time because it is addictive.Read More ››

mosk_alen avatarmosk_alen102188.75
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The Legend Of Furiax
16 Oct 2023

To be honest, I was suspicious at first. I tried a similar game that was enjoyable for the first two levels, and then BAM! You either pay to play or the game becomes difficult to play. This game appears to be really distinct and actually very balanced. I also like how some of the ships that are optional to buy are introduced gradually as you progress through the levels, allowing you to see how they function. Overall, an excellent game!Read More ››

NatulaTamara avatarNatulaTamara86013.75
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The Legend Of Furiax
15 Oct 2023

I enjoy the game because it is challenging, entertaining, and addicting, and I can play it for hours without waiting for my life to regenerate. I want the upgrades and evolution, and the game is fantastic.Read More ››

AJP84382 avatarAJP84382165497.15
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The Legend Of Furiax
13 Oct 2023

One of my favorite games. They have the most extraordinary airplane designs. It is a fast-paced game, yet it doesn't get overpowering because the controls are so responsive. You can have a lot more fun if you don't have to worry about being bumped off at any minute.Read More ››

lilanepang avatarlilanepang96592.45
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The Legend Of Furiax
11 Oct 2023

Really good game, it always has many colorful monsters that look very interesting and very interesting to playRead More ››

AnhDuong avatarAnhDuong18736.25
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The Legend Of Furiax Magic Store Trust Score

  • Security Validators Score
    • 08.08.2023Validation Date

The Legend Of Furiax User Trust Reviews

Zoppel UniverseHigh
09 Aug 2023

Zoppel Universe — первый в истории комикс на блокчейне с соответствующей игрой Видение — качество, веселье, доступность и новая идея пользовательского опыта для игры, которая может бросить вызов как традиционному рынку мобильных игр, так и существующему рынку p2e. Миссия - Новый тип nft, для новой игровой модели, способной продержаться со временем, не испарившись в воздухе. Безопасный способ направлять новых пользователей в мир GamefiRead More ››

edvard avataredvard27956.25
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09 Aug 2023

Очень интересная игра-стрелялка. В начале игра очень захватывающая, но при прохождении последующих фильмов она кажется менее захватывающей. Стоит попробоватьRead More ››

edvard avataredvard27956.25
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Классический шутер с интересным сюжетомHigh
08 Aug 2023

Я был очарован ее качеством и весельем. Она очень легко доступна и предлагает новый уровень пользовательского опыта. Игра поставила серьезный вызов традиционным мобильным играм и рынку p2e. Проект также внедряет новый тип nft, который является частью инновационной игровой модели. Мне нравится, что игра помогает пользователям безопасно войти в мир Gamefi. Всем рекомендую!Read More ››

ertflip avatarertflip1035.00
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This is a classic shooting gameHigh
08 Aug 2023

This is a classic shooting game. The game is very thrilling at first, but when passing the later films, it feels less thrilling. Worth an experienceRead More ››

Turke-7ob avatarTurke-7ob1165.00
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The Legend Of Furiax FAQ

Zoppel Universe stands out with its combination of customizable avatars, diverse themed worlds, and a strong focus on community engagement. Players can participate in a variety of activities, from quests and puzzles to social events and trading, all within a richly detailed virtual environment.

Yes, Zoppel Universe allows players to create and customize their own worlds. Using the in-game building tools, you can design landscapes, structures, and unique experiences for other players to explore.

The trading system in Zoppel Universe is robust, allowing players to buy, sell, and trade items with others. This includes rare collectibles, customized items, and resources gathered from various in-game activities.

Yes, Zoppel Universe hosts seasonal events and special challenges that offer exclusive rewards. These events are designed to engage the community and provide new content regularly.

Joining a club or community in Zoppel Universe is easy. Players can browse through available clubs, join public ones, or even create their own. Communities often host events and activities, enhancing the social aspect of the game.

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