xExchange IconApp's chainEGLD


Swap assets instantly, globally, inexpensively
  • User Score 4.45
  • Validation Score 3.9
  • Trust ScoreHigh
  • General No. 92
  • ExchangesNo. 12
  • MultiversXNo. 1
  • Token
xExchange Review
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About xExchange

It's a DEX AMM running on the MultiversX. It is built by the same team that has built the MultiversX blockchain. You could call it the "official" DEX. There can be any number of DEX-es built on MultiversX, but the team wanted to build the first one because it is special.

The xExchange is a cutting-edge decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on the MultiversX Network, designed to facilitate seamless digital trading and user engagement. As the successor to Maiar DEX (Maiar DEX 2.0), xExchange leverages advanced financial technology to create an efficient and user-friendly environment for traders, investors, and developers.

The platform's mission is to democratize access to the digital economy, making it accessible to a broader audience while maintaining high standards of security, speed, and cost efficiency. By providing a robust infrastructure for decentralized trading, xExchange aims to empower individuals and businesses to participate in the global financial ecosystem without the need for intermediaries.

xExchange stands out in the DeFi landscape due to its innovative features such as Metastaking and Metabonding, which offer users multiple avenues for earning rewards and contributing to the ecosystem's growth. The platform's focus on community building and long-term engagement is reflected in its tokenomics, which reward users for their commitment and active participation.

Overall, xExchange is poised to become a significant player in the DeFi space, driving innovation and adoption while providing users with a secure and efficient platform for their financial activities.

xExchange Magic Store Validation Score

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xExchange Review Score by Real Users

4.45Out of 5102 Total
  • 61
  • 33
  • 4
  • 1
  • 3
102 Total
06 Jan 2024

XPortal is best wallet in the space I use since a year and has all it needs. Just wait for next phase to be multichain. most secure with 2fa and guardians Read More ››

Bitman avatarBitman1325.00
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DEX MultiversX
29 Dec 2023

The best DEX in the MultiversX ecosystem. Although there are few trading pairs, it has the most basic coins like BTC, ETH, BNB, USDC. Otherwise, it's just an ordinary matchmaker. It has its own token MEX, which few people need. Read More ››

Loki avatarLoki23691.25
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Nothing new
29 Dec 2023

Typical dex same like other decentralized exchanges.same futures likes every other dexes with some extra energy concepts.nothing new.Read More ››

Metaverse avatarMetaverse213983.00
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24 Dec 2023

It's a DEX AMM running on the Elrond Network. It is built by the same team that has built the Elrond blockchain. You could call it the "official" DEX. There can be any number of DEX-es built on Elrond, but the team wanted to build the first one because it is specialRead More ››

Razzy DM avatarRazzy DM1705.00
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Not a bad exchange
19 Dec 2023

I liked the design of xExchange. That's a straight up cool look! I don't like the lack of many trading pairs that are available on other exchanges. Although it is understandable - it is a project on a separate blockchain Elrond, which is not very popular yet. I also like the idea of the MEXX token, which is a kind of energy of the exchange. That's a cool idea!Read More ››

vanHeLL avatarvanHeLL198749.00
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The best DEX
19 Dec 2023

xExchange is the official DEX on the MultiversX network. It has a lot of features , you receive tokens that are listed there on a weekly basis, low fees, and the team is constantly improving it. It's the first DEX that uses it's token as energy, so the more energy you have, the bigger the benefits. Also, the DEX token, MEX. will become deflationary in a few years.Read More ››

kossu avatarkossu192683.75
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cool project
11 Dec 2023

A good promising project with good potential..I wish good luck to the project in the further development of the project. thanksRead More ››

Tyurkin avatarTyurkin16700.00
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dex dex
08 Dec 2023

xExchange is one of many dex exchanges, there are farming pools, and there is also a swap of about 20 pairs (I didn’t count exactly). The design is convenient, it’s also easy to use - everything is visually clear. Another piece of advice is that a phishing site has appeared that looks similar to this dex with a link, so be careful.Read More ››

miki23 avatarmiki23305472.50
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xExchange Magic Store Trust Score

  • Security Validators Score
    • 11.10.2023Validation Date

xExchange User Trust Reviews

24 Dec 2023

It's a DEX AMM running on the Elrond Network. It is built by the same team that has built the Elrond blockchain. You could call it the "official" DEX. There can be any number of DEX-es built on Elrond, but the team wanted to build the first one because it is specialRead More ››

Razzy DM avatarRazzy DM1705.00
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23 Feb 2023

It's a DEX AMM running on the Elrond Network. It is built by the same team that has built the Elrond blockchain. You could call it the "official" DEX. There can be any number of DEX-es built on Elrond, but the team wanted to build the first one because it is specialRead More ››

Kvantrum avatarKvantrum168654.53
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Особисті думкиHigh
22 Feb 2023

Один з найкращих Dex'ів у мережі MultiversX, також відомий як $EGLD. Забезпечує основи DEX разом з можливостями екосистеми Web3. У них є власний гаманець, а також функції для отримання пасивного доходу за рахунок прибутковості DeFi, фермерства, забезпечення ліквідності тощо. Крім того, Maiar Dex також додав модуль мостінгу, щоб активи можна було виводити і в інші мережі. Ще однією особливістю Maiar Dex є Maiar Launchpad, де розробники можуть запускати свої проекти після перевірки командою Maiar. Ще однією особливістю для розробників є те, що Maiar Dex можна легко інтегрувати з їхніми проектами. І останнє, але не менш важливе: токен Maiar Dex також діє як токен управління для Maiar Dex, де власники можуть вирішувати майбутнє фінансових послуг Maiar і обирати шлях для них. Нещодавно, після управління, ми побачили трансформацію Maiar Dex в xExchange, де модель MEX 2.0 представляє новий шлях і стандарт, що має важливе значення. Той, який узгоджує потенційне зростання і розширення xExchange з надійним механізмом накопичення вартості.Read More ››

Ybijtsa avatarYbijtsa22560.15
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Maiar Dex 2.0High
08 Dec 2022

One of the best Dexs' on the MultiversX chain aka $EGLD. Providing the basics of a DEX along with the capabilities of a Web3 ecosystem. They have their own wallet as well as functions to earn passive income through DeFi yields, farming, providing liquidity etc. Moreover, Maiar Dex also added the module of bridging so the assets can be bridged to other networks as well. Another feature at the Maiar Dex is the Maiar Launchpad, where developers can launch their projects after verification from the Maiar team. Another feature for the developers is that Maiar Dex can be easily integrated with their project. Last but not the least, is the Maiar Dex token also acts like the governance token for the Maiar Dex, where the holders can decide the future of the Maiar financial services and to decide a path for it. Recently after the governance we saw Maiar Dex transformation to xExchange, where The MEX 2.0 model presents a momentous new path and standard. One that aligns the potential growth and expansion of the xExchange, with a robust value accrual mechanism.Read More ››

SirIsaac23 avatarSirIsaac23157366.30
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xExchange FAQ

The Energy Concept on xExchange represents a time-lock mechanism where users commit their MEX tokens for a specific duration, converting them into xMEX. The longer the lock period, the more Energy is accrued. This Energy enhances rewards by increasing the annual percentage rates (APRs) and providing a greater share of exchange fees, incentivizing long-term participation.

State sharding technology significantly improves xExchange's scalability and performance by partitioning the network into smaller segments, or shards. This allows the platform to handle a higher volume of transactions with lower latency, ensuring a seamless and efficient trading experience even during peak times.

MEX is the primary token used for trading, staking, and governance within the xExchange ecosystem. xMEX is a time-locked version of MEX that accrues Energy, providing users with higher rewards and greater influence in governance decisions. xMEX tokens can be converted back to MEX after the lock period.

Participating in Metastaking on xExchange allows liquidity providers to earn rewards from multiple sources, including Swap Fees, Farm Rewards, and Staking Rewards. This multifaceted reward system maximizes earning potential and encourages active participation, making it a highly attractive option for users looking to optimize their returns.

Metabonding on xExchange facilitates the distribution of new project tokens to MEX and xMEX holders. This process helps new projects gain visibility and community support while providing existing token holders with opportunities to diversify their portfolios and discover new investment avenues.

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