The first part will guide you through adding the SQR Contract Address to your MetaMask.
The second part of the tutorial will explain how to claim your $SQR Rewards!
Log into your MetaMask account.
Click on the “Import Tokens” button.
The official contract address of the $SQR token: click here
Copy the official Contract Address.
You only need this part:
Paste it into the “Token Contract Address” field.
Click “Next” and then “Import”.
After this you will be able to see SQR token in your wallet.
Important Note: Ensure you have a verified email address and a Gitcoin passport with 18+ points, or complete the Amazon Liveness Test. To learn how to get your Gitcoin passport and earn 18+ points, please visit the provided link. For instructions on passing the Amazon Liveness Test, please visit the provided link.
Important Note: To claim your $SQR tokens, you are required to create a username, verify your email, connect your EVM Wallet, and either complete the Amazon Liveness Test or obtain a Gitcoin Passport.
Navigate to your profile settings.
Click on the “Karma & Rewards” option.
Click on the “Collect Rewards” button.
Read the information in the pop-up and click on the “Confirm” button.
Sign the approval and confirm the Gas Fees.
Once the transaction completes, a pop-up indicating a successful transaction will appear. You can view the transaction on the block explorer.
You should then see your SQR reward in your wallet.