Reviews by User Digams86
Its an application that interacting between community member and another community member through passing and receivingRead More ››
Its an application that interacting between community member and another community member through passing and receivingRead More ››
Simulator is can be adopted in the magicsquare store because of its significant role in the crypto set up it also help to train community members with so many applications and software's most especially the gaming appsRead More ››
I am not sure if I understand the word TRUTS but if its a game or any software that can be useful to the community its welcome, and I welcome tooRead More ››
The Inclusion of Community Gaming in Magic Square Store is paramount as far as crypto is concern because it will bring together the crypto and gaming enthusiasms to showcase their talent and to build trust between them it also gives them the opportunity to compete with each other in the game industry and to bring out the problems and way forward in the gaming apps.Read More ››
I have already voted on this Quest but unfortunately I did not seen it appearing on the dash board what I said is that community Gaming is good it brings all the community members together they will understand each other the interract with each other the share their respective views and opinions expressed their filling on a specific issue that bother them also allow them to showcase their talents in terms of competitionRead More ››
All what i know about crypto is project of choices and a project of diffrent varieties of products and service that every one is in need of some one will go for games another one goes for bridges another one goes for withdrawal and deposit someone goes for staking so everyone has something doing in view of that games are not going to left behind because of its tremendous benefit on like before you will spend the whole six months to a year playing games without any benefit but in this nowadays games because the are web3 and has web3 compliance any game you play you will have a reward for it. so for that reason i am voting for Llama games to be validated and included in MagicSquire Store for the benefits of members of community. thanks.Read More ››
Llama La d is a fame project that one can not afford to miss its also for guy and young generation in other to catch them young.Read More ››
Base-Name Service is a web3 software app that coinbase intended using in other to 1. Register and Control total numbers of people that are in crypto world 2. It intended to control the username compair with wallet to ascertain the good the bad and ugly in Blockchains 3. It give them technical know how on how to infiltrate and catches those scammers that year in year out taking away billion of Dollars in crypto 4. It will also control a lot of fail and wrong transactions that for easy identification and recovery of stolen crypto and uncompleted transactions. If the biggest Exchanges like Coinbase will be part of this kind of project then definitely the project might have a very useful and determining factors for it be chosen to be in existence therefore, without hesitating I have voted for project in Question to be inclusive ìn MagicSquare StoreRead More ››
CHAT MBD is am Artificial intelligence software, project, robot or platforms that vast in knowledge of thinks very fast act very fast more than human being the are cable of completing complex tast with precise accuracy within a short period of time than any human being can perform. The are error free. So when we apply this type of project in Web3 crypto space it will go a long way to prevent damages, protect individual privacy interract with people in different parts. The are also applied in most of the crypto Exchanges, Blockchain, Wallet to mention but few in other to interract with customers, with system itself all for better service delivery in view of the above ChatMBD also is the same thing it allow individual, company and organisation to have engage themself with chatMBD to help them controls some important activities within organisation. It offer them the opportunity to showcase their products and services. So for that ChatMBD Community validation vote is necessary and I voted for it be included in the MagicSquare Store.Read More ››
As the name implies its also a web3 Swapping project and any project that associated itself with Binance Blockchain definitely that project most have being the most valuable project that can not be play with. SO hamsterswap is good and can be voted in the community validation vote so I voted for itRead More ››
What I understand with this project is to Decord social Data in Web3 and its good for the protection and security concious and even due I may not be right but all what I know the project will play a vital role in safeguarding protecting and hack free environment for crypto to be free. Inview of the above explained matter I hear by voted for the validation of the above mentioned project to be included in the MagicSquare store.Read More ››
This is game project, pure game, all this project the are going to be meaningful if it will be purely going be rewarding those that are using it. Because any game that can not have bearing towards rewarding the community that are use it, definitely the game will not going to be userfriendly. but what I come to understand now all game that are been build are web3 compliant. And any web3 games are rewarding so inview of that I fill its OK to Include it in the MagicSquare Store so that community will have variety of choices when it come to games.Read More ››
This is game project pure game all this project the are going to be meaning if it will be purely going be rewarded those that are using it because any game that can not have bearing to Ward rewarding those the are making use of it definitely the game will not going to be user friendly but what I come to understand now all game that are been build the are web 2 compliant and any web3 games are rewarding so view of tha I fill its OK to Include it in the MagicSquare Store so that community will have variety of choices when it come to games.Read More ››
Unilend Finance is one of the most prominent and promising project its purely deals with Borrowing, Lending and Staking of crypto assets the are helping alot of community members to have access of crypto by staking borrowing and lending of crypto assets. In view of the obove I hear by voted the project to be included in the MagicSquare Store. It will go along way to help people to own their crypto assets legally.Read More ››
Games are are playing vital role in our life most especially youth we can do without games infact games of nowadays ones you are playing it you will be rewarded so can see that we can do without it so inview of that I recommend MagicSquare Ztore to in Include it in the app that are building in the store.Read More ››
From what I understand with misticswap the did not finish their app development 100 percent inview of that I am of the opion that even if the will be voted for but not now the have to put every in place before acce.pting them in to Magicsquare store that my opinion.Read More ››
It's also a great new generation web3 Exchange where you can sell, buy stake your a d Cross bride of token fast and very law gas fee I recommend that it will be also voted for. I voted for it.Read More ››
Actually I don't know what this ReadOn is all about but the way it sounds is like a body that regulate or govern or guide on how people going about operating their crypto business having say that I still go ahead and vote for it since I know Magicsquare can not bring a project that will going bring set back to its project.Read More ››