Reviews by User JasonShaw

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Account Abstraction Rocks High
30 May 2024
goodcryptoX IconValidated


Non-custodial DEX trading bots

For me, all the existing dex (telegram) trading bots lacked security layer at the funds storing and ownership side. It prevented me from depositing serious sums of money there, which in turn limited my trading performance. In turn, goodcryptoX implemented account abstraction (a kinf of API key for non-custodial wallets) enabling bots to trade on behalf me without direct access to my funds. This moment changes everything in my opinion. With such a fundamental security measure taken, big money will come to the dex trading niche. And in combination with performing trading tools presented by Good Crypto, it must play a determining role in such tools adoption by the community. Read More ››

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goodcryptoX seems to be game changer
30 May 2024
goodcryptoX IconValidated


Non-custodial DEX trading bots

Considering the account abstraction feature + extensive toolkit presented by goodcryptoX, it can bring the dex (and telegram) trading bot niche out of the shadow, making it mainstream. The UX/UI is at high level. Smart trading works smoothly. Good thing is that the team is open to community suggestions and implement changes accordingly. Looking forward to launch of new features. Read More ››

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Stable Performance & High SecurityHigh
17 Nov 2023
GoodCrypto IconValidated


Advanced trading terminal and portfolio tracker

I mainly ue trading bots. I am running around 30 trading bots at the same time on several exchanges. The app works very well at high capacity. Even during sharp price spikes the number of order errors is very low, which is fantastic. Expecially, comparing to the similar apps. During 1.5 years of the app usage, I haven't faced any security issue. Read More ››

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Unique trading tools
16 Nov 2023
GoodCrypto IconValidated


Advanced trading terminal and portfolio tracker

I really like the Order Combo feature and Trading Bots (especially DCA bots in Auto-mode). Also, it's good that this app is available with the full functionality on iOS and Web. Read More ››

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