ZetaLabs Review by MITO

MITO avatar



first application for cross-chain swaps
26 Dec 2023
ZetaLabs IconValidated


A testbed for next gen omnichain dApps

After a period of experiencing the Zetachain testnet, here's my assessment of the project: the user interface is user-friendly, the wallet connections are quick, there's a high volume of users on the daily testnet, the dapp encompasses all necessary features and functions. This is the first application for cross-chain swaps, including native BTC swaps, and ZetaChain, an L1 blockchain, facilitates interaction between any chains, making it convenient for users. The user support team is highly proactive, and the project has seen significant development. I have trust in this project. However, there are some limitations to note: transactions between chains take a considerable amount of time and often encounter failures. Additionally, transaction fees are high. Hopefully, the team can improve on these aspects

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