Reviews by User qingmu3791

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Minglo Magic Store
06 Jan 2024
Minglo IconValidated

Social MediaPlatform

Web3 Open Data Ecosystem for well-being

游戏体验很棒 既能玩游戏 还能赚代币 美中不足的是游戏需要优化 还有让更多的人能参与进来 部分界面和游戏的运行速度需要提升 拒绝部分卡顿现象 我希望项目方和平台方能够重视 现在ai+游戏是一个很好的运营方向Read More ››

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01 Jan 2024
Socrates IconValidated

DeFiUse to Earn

A use to earn platform based around Q&A


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28 Dec 2023
Ispolink IconValidated


Multi-chain platform for Web3 devs

Ispolink 是一个基于 Metaverse 的跨链平台,为开发者提供服务,利用 BSC 和人工智能。我们帮助区块链、Metaverse、DeFi 和游戏公司无缝地寻找领先的 Web3 人才。新颖的跨链平台,由币安智能链和 Polygon 提供支持,将区块链公司与领先的技术人才无缝连接。Read More ››

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23 Dec 2023
WorldBoss IconUpcoming

GamesPlay To Earn

Fully on-chain game with sustainable tokenomics.


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Sirius StableSwap
12 Dec 2023
Sirius StableSwap IconValidated
Sirius StableSwap


Low slippage Stablecoin DEX on Astar (Polkadot)

Astar Network 上第一个稳定币 AMM 基础设施之一,让每个人都能轻松开始 Polkadot 之旅。交换稳定币具有低滑点、最小的无常损失和可忽略不计的交易费用。它为加密货币用户提供了一切,包括交换、桥接、质押、流动性池。所有这一切都由令人愉快且快速的界面补充。

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04 Dec 2023
ZetaLabs IconValidated


A testbed for next gen omnichain dApps

Zeta 链激增为逆向者和逆向者提供了一种选择。区块链技术的创新推动了行业未来的发展。区块链具有巨大的潜力,没有任何潜在的好处,重要的是速度和可扩展性,实验性和易用性,以及交易和回收水龙头。是的。很看好这款app 一直也在测试网交互任务

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Last Resort
02 Dec 2023
Last Resort IconValidated
Last Resort

GamesPlay To Earn

Fun collaborative survival MMO game

献给所有僵尸迷!一款以僵尸为主题的MMO。杀死僵尸,收集资源,争夺危险的领域来赚取。一款非常动态的射击游戏,具有炫酷的图形。游戏的主要任务是杀死僵尸,下载游戏后,您将获得一个角色和武器,然后您就可以立即开始玩。使用雷达可以更轻松地在地图上定位。在某些忠诚度上,NPC 会带着任务等待你,完成任务会有奖励。

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Counter Fire
29 Nov 2023
Counter Fire IconValidated
Counter Fire

GamesPlay To Earn

a Batlleroyal + Moba free game

Counter Fire 的突出特点之一是它在 web2 和 web3 上双重存在,为更广泛的受众提供了可访问性。该游戏基于Arbitrum构建,确保高效、快速的数据性能。作为一名玩家,我很欣赏能够跨不同平台参与《Counter Fire》的多功能性和便利性。设置和玩《Counter Fire》是一件轻而易举的事。用户友好的界面使导航变得直观,并且游戏提供了多种功能和级别来保持玩家的参与度。动漫风格的大逃杀体验不仅具有视觉吸引力,还展示了该项目对提供高品质游戏体验的承诺。Read More ››

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28 Nov 2023
OMarket IconValidated


OMarket - Open your NFT world

OMarket是一个未来的NFT市场,用户可以在这里交易和交换不同种类的NFT。该项目的 OPV 币使得只需使用 MetaMask 钱包即可轻松买卖 NFT。Coinmarketcap 列出了 OPV 代币,OMarket 的 DApp 允许您质押 OPV。有了这些优势,我真诚地看重这个项目的潜力。Read More ››

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26 Nov 2023
paydece IconValidated


Non-custodial, P2P crypto marketplace

首先引起您注意的是用户友好的界面。他们有钱包和电子邮件登录,因此它同时适合 Web2 和 Web3 用户。您还可以将令牌发送到任何 Web2 电子邮件。缺点是支持的网络和代币很少。希望能有更多的流量计划 让更多的人参与进来

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Fundraising School
26 Nov 2023
Fundraising School IconValidated
Fundraising School


Community-driven school for web3 founders

对于初学者来说,一下子理解所有内容是根本不可能的。Web3 创业学校是对企业家和开发人员对此主题日益增长的兴趣的回应。其主要目标是帮助年轻公司掌握现代 Web3 概念和技术,并为他们的成功启动和进一步发展做好准备。祝大家好运,你们正在制作一种必需且需求旺盛的产品

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VetMe is my like
25 Nov 2023
VetMe IconValidated

AITools & Solutions

An OTC, DEX, KYC and AI tool

VetMe is a ecosystem, working together with projects and teams in multiple areas from DeFi. This is multitool for the projects to provide a many things like KYC, DEX, etc. This is interestimg thingsRead More ››

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Genesis Universe
24 Nov 2023
Genesis Universe IconValidated
Genesis Universe

GamesPlay To Earn

Game-Fi NFT cards battle

游戏并不完美。但我可以观察到它是目前最稳定的项目之一。还有很大的改进空间。希望他们能让游戏变得更有趣,而不是专注于赚钱。总的来说,这是一款不错的游戏。希望后期能有更好的游戏体验 让更多的人参与进来 加油

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Kryxivia Game
22 Nov 2023
Kryxivia Game IconValidated
Kryxivia Game

GamesPlay To Earn

Blockchain MMORPG on Ethereum and Polygon

踏上前往 Kryxivia 魔法王国的激动人心的旅程,这是第一个在以太坊上运行的免费 MMORPG,并承诺无限的冒险和宝藏。准备好面对神秘的生物,穿越令人惊叹的风景,收集稀有的 NFT,同时赚取宝贵的 KXS 代币,让自己沉浸在一个与众不同的幻想世界中。

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Amulet Review
20 Nov 2023
Amulet IconValidated

DeFiUse to Earn

Simple, Reliable Cover For Everyone in Web3

The best DeFi project out there offers peace of mind to DeFi investors. It can be trusted and reliable. LFGRead More ››

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19 Nov 2023 IconValidated


AI-based fraud detection and segmentation

I will now use this service regularly, as it is very convenient to check for any suspicious addresses. Another plus is that the algorithms not only check the database for possible suspicious signs, but also provide information about whether the user uses the bridge or not.Read More ››

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1inch Network
19 Nov 2023
1inch IconValidated


Access never-ending liquidity across DeFi

1inch is good defi platform, 1inch dApp is a leading DEX aggregator. It allows users to instantly find the best exchange rates in the DeFi space among the biggest number of liquidity sources (300+) and maximize gains. - 1inch dApp allows uRead More ››

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Temple Wallet Review
17 Nov 2023
Temple Wallet IconValidated
Temple Wallet


Web3 wallet for your Tezos tokens and dApps

Great good home with a click on the link below and there will be a lot more of us than you can use it on our site for the best software you haveRead More ››

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SendIT (Arcana)
16 Nov 2023
SendIT (Arcana) IconValidated
SendIT (Arcana)


Send cryptocurrency via Email or Social handles.

This platform provides an excellent solution to the challenge of certain banks refusing to send transactions to CEX exchanges. It's a wise move to buy directly on DEX to avoid the additional tax and gas fees associated with CEX transfers, even if the offers are about 5% off the real price. While the site functions well, there is a minor issue with constant refresh messages due to new versions.Read More ››

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Spinnia World
15 Nov 2023
Spinnia World IconValidated
Spinnia World

GamesPlay To Earn

Economic blockchain game

Spinnia World, an economy, mining and blockchain game, showcases adorable NFT creatures that allow you to mine SPN tokens within a smart economic model. Stunning visuals and endless opportunities for growth and asset accumulation await you. Join our welcoming community.Read More ››

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