Reviews by User shanti
seems like the project just in their very begining. there are lots of work to do the reputation for customersRead More ››
more NFT marketplaces!!! this place is easy to interact and the big advantage is plenty of blockchains to opperate withRead More ››
In many ways people want their funds to be safe and secure. knit finance can give you such possibility and yoy can sleep calm and piecefulRead More ››
all crypto degens feel bored about MM so it's a great apportunity to try something new that can operate evm and non evm chains.Read More ››
all we need is optimizing the final costs for users with our proprietary AI-based pipeline. so here it is :)Read More ››
most of crypto friends know that operating a node is difficult question. Glad to see some app wants to help to make it little easierRead More ››
what can be more joyful than chatting with your crypto friends and also meet other people in web3 sphere? enjoy!Read More ››
probbaly useful idea for many people around the world. we all need someone to lead us to something interestingRead More ››
If you want the mix of gaming, animation, and NFTs - here they are! It has a long way to go to get perfection but they surely on a right wayRead More ››
good naming for that project makes me hopeful of the money future and of course I strongly recommend the appRead More ››
that's kinda good and useful app for every honest crypto human. wish them to have a lot of clients. that's all.Read More ››
I have only good words about this project. everyone has a reason to use such products. Nice to know it's here in magic storeRead More ››
tha's fine aaplication but just want to say to be careful when interact because trading is always dangerousRead More ››
nice to have gasless Transactions. there are also thousands of liquidity pool opportunities of using your asset and networks. Read More ››
nice idea and good vibes of the application. Glad to see where this crypto nft train is coming. Hope sometimes we will all be nft ;-)))Read More ››
the best naming eveerrrr. need more tools to analize the data about crypto projects/. thanks and bye.Read More ››
that was that's surprise me. The oportunity to by a chokolate with crypto... that's lovely and can be usefull to many peopleRead More ››
not bad but can be better. promising begining but there are so much things to improve. god luck to the team Read More ››
not a fan of trading apps but pepale are different. so do it on your oun risk and remember to count your powers.Read More ››
Step into the future and nice to have it on the Polygon blockchain! As it was in some legendary cartoon - I like to move it move it!Read More ››